07 July 2015

Police Blotter: the Non-Alcoholic Edition

In response to yesterday's post, a commenter opined that there must surely be blotter entries that aren't alcohol-related.

Sure enough, there are. So, for your reading pleasure, I present the

Tea-totalling Police Blotter

Loose dogs.

EMS Other Services
EMS personnel transported a body from the IFHS clinic to the UDPS morgue.

Loose dog.

Ambulance Request
EMS personnel provided care and transport for a man who collapsed.

Traffic Roads
Caller reported an open manhole near the intersection of Airport Beach and Captain’s Bay Roads. An officer responded and found three manholes, all covered.

Officer advised a caller who wished to return to his former home for some personal belongings, that he should first set a date and time with the homeowner for said excursion.

Noise Disturbance
Complaint about youth playing music too loudly at the tennis courts. An officer responded, asked them to turn it down, and they did.

Burn Permit
Friday, 8:54 a.m.

 And on and on it goes ... 


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