02 October 2015

Box Clever - Simon's Cat

Anyone who's ever tried to get a get into a pet taxi will appreciate this one. :)


Ed Bonderenka said...


Rev. Paul said...

Okay, so it's 1,002 uses for a dead cat, not 1,001*. :)

* Before anyone says anything, I'm a cat lover, and my daughters have two that used to live with us.

Old NFO said...

Yeah, NOT fun...

Rev. Paul said...

Agreed. Even if you leave the taxi out, and the cats use it as a place to sleep, they know when it's time for the vet.

Somehow, they know.

Chickenmom said...

Oh, that was great! Thanks!!

Moms Musings said...

So true. I had to get a carrier for a medium sized dog for my cat.

Guffaw in AZ said...

"Gave my cat a bath the other day. NO - it was great!
The fur stuck to my tongue, but other than that..." - Steve Martin

YES, putting a cat into a box or a carrier can be challenging! I've the scars to prove it.


Rev. Paul said...

You're welcome, Chickenmom.

Cathy, the girls have the two cats, so they use a taxi the size of a steamer trunk. :)

Guffaw, I think a lot of us have those scars.