13 August 2010

Running Out of Boxes

Don't be naive. There are difficult times ahead. As the end approaches, people are going to be self-absorbed, money-hungry, self-promoting, stuck-up, profane, contemptuous of parents, crude, coarse, dog-eat-dog, unbending, slanderers, impulsively wild, savage, cynical, treacherous, ruthless, bloated windbags, addicted to lust, and allergic to God. They'll make a show of religion, but behind the scenes they're animals. Stay clear of these people. (2 Timothy 3:1-5)

Sounds like the morning news, doesn't it? There's a reason for that, but I suspect most of you didn't come to this blog for a sermon.


We are at a very difficult, very dangerous time in America's history ... and if you don't already know that, you've got some catching up to do. But I think you know.

You've seen the news. You've seen the behavior of the elected officials who have bothered to show up at so-called town hall meetings, and then speak down to their bosses ... that's We, the People ... as if we were so many children in need of a nanny to tell us what's best for us.

You've seen the arrogance, the pride, the sneers, the sheer gall of those who have assumed the mantle of saviors merely by virtue of having won an election.

You've watched as the Dimocrits, in control of the Congress since 2007, have raised taxes, increased the debt, increased unemployment, and increased the deficit. They've grown increasingly tone-deaf as they passed TARP, stimulus bills, ObamaKare, and other unwanted and unnecessary laws. They've increased the number of sheeple dependent upon the nanny-state to record levels ... food stamps, Section 8 housing ... the works. They increase one group's entitlement to the government largesse, while reducing or eliminating another's. All the while, they're telling those of us who still have jobs that we must work longer before retirement.

You've tried to set the record straight. You've called, written, and e-mailed. Repeatedly. You've seen the layers upon layers upon layers of bloated, inefficient, blood-sucking bureaucracy, as you've tried vainly to make your point to those who clearly don't care what you think, or do, or say.

You've gone to tea parties, 9/12 rallies, and seen your efforts denounced as racist or crazy ... or terrorism. You've seen the document which called you a potential terrorist for being a patriot ... or a veteran ... or for owning a copy of the Constitution.

The self-styled "ruling class" in the District of Criminals Columbia has ignored us, but the ballot box is coming around again, and it is vitally important - crucial - that we don't waste the upcoming election. The conservatives and Tea Party candidates deserve a chance to reign in the bloated Leviathan that the general government has become. Let's see if they will actually make a difference.
“We have four boxes with which to defend our freedom: the soap box, the ballot box, the jury box, and the cartridge box.”
Pray, people. As PolyKahr reminds us, don't let go of your faith that God has not abandoned us. Be prepared. Vote. Keep the pressure on those elected. Keep your eyes open. Keep your heads, and see. It's not enough to slow the rate of growth of the federal monster - it must be rolled back, unconstitutional laws repealed, and unnecessary programs eliminated.

Will it be enough? CAN it be enough? I honestly don't know. What I do know is this: we seem to be running out of time, out of options ... and out of boxes. I pray it's not too late.


threecollie said...

Four boxes, first time I have heard that. I like it!

PolyKahr said...

Rev. Paul,

Good sermon! I linked to it.

Keep up the good work,

Lawyer said...


Cassie said...

I pray it's not too late too. At first I thought you were quoting Polykarp (the ancient bishop)and I was like "wow he was really contempory"...until I saw the comment from PolyKahr!

DR said...

What a timely post, my friend. We definitely are nearing the end if things don't change.