19 January 2011

Random Thought - Response

"There's no point in questioning authority if you aren't going to listen to the answers."

The problem with that is, when Americans finally woke up & started to listen, the answers didn't make any sense. And of course, when we point that out, we're a bunch of tea-bagging, racist, homophobic, Constitution-loving, redneck, illegal immigrant-hating, Sarah Palin/Glenn Beck/Rush Limbaugh-worshiping, Fox News-watching, domestic terrorists.

I'm sure I left a few epithets out, but ... I don't care.

I no longer care whether someone on the left understands my point of view. The only thing that matters is whether they respect it, because it's increasingly clear that we have two completely disparate peoples sharing a common (although very porous) border.

1 comment:

joated said...

Sounds like you agree with Don Surber and a lot of other folks.

I do not want civil discourse