08 June 2009

Luck's Rants: The Patrick Henry Caucus

Please take a moment to read this post at Luck's Rants. It's about states taking the next logical step in the effort to reclaim their Constitutional sovereignty.

It's worth the few minutes it will take to read it.


LUCKY said...

Thanks for helping to let more people know about his Paul.

upinak said...

Lucky.. you have to have secession. Soveriegnty isn't going to do anything as you are still "part" of the U.S.

This is one of the reasons why native americans around the U.S. will NOT go total soveriegn Native nations... because if they did, they would be paying tariffs and such... for food and goods. Someone figured it out.

Now if a bunch of States would join.. like Wyoming, Texas, Oklahoma, etc... it might be different.

Rev. Paul said...

Right now, the states supposedly most likely to secede would be Alaska, Montana, Texas (which will take Oklahoma & Missouri with it) and possibly Utah, which is showing signs of "waking up".

When Alaska was a Territory, there were all sorts of tariffs, fees, and extra taxes. There was no self-government, and the other states plundered and stole our natural resources. That can't/won't happen now. My primary concern is about border security, given our HUGE border mileage & relatively small population.

On the other hand, if AK ever secedes, there would likely be a migration of folks from the Lower 48, wanting to 'get away' from the Union.

That's another issue, which I may address in a future post, i.e., qualifications, possible entrance tests, self-sufficiency, prior job commitments, etc. We're not about to import a bunch of gimme-gimme welfare recipients.

In fact, a lot of those here now would probably leave when they discover the Federal teat has dried up.

upinak said...

Rev. under the Territory though, we were Federal mandated. Which was small at that time... compared to even now 50 years later.

Could we be concidered a "Nation". I don't see why not.

Would people flock up here if something happened. I don't know. I would see quite a few people leave though, not because of Federal mandates and yanking of funds. But due to federal and possibly State jobs drying up as well as oil compnaies halting what they are doing to see what happens next.

To become something... has to take something. I wonder what taking it, would actually be.

Rev. Paul said...

Up, I believe our state officials would be smart enough to have contacted the oil companies right before anything happens in that regard - letting them know that their contract with Alaska would remain unchanged. Only the Federal regulation & taxes would cease. In that case, there's no particular reason for the drilling/pumping to cease.

At least, I'd certainly talk to them the day before the "official" declaration.

Federal jobs drying up - yes, certainly, that would happen almost immediately as they lose their authority to do anything here.

We'd charge the U.S. military a fair rent for the land their bases occupy, and maybe even work out some sort of mutual arrangement whereby they continue to provide protection for AK in exchange for permission to keep the bases open.

All this can be addressed easily enough; it's the implementation that could be tricky. But it will probably become necessary, so we may find out fairly soon.

Rev. Paul said...

Up, your earlier comments also reminded me: IF some states feel they have no remaining option but to secede, then it's possible (likely?) the Union would enact trade tariffs and attempt to "punish" the new republics with taxes that way. I find this likely.

It's also the fastest possible way to force people to form a thriving black market economy.

upinak said...

Not so sure.

There are the large projects like AGIA, LGN pipeline (honestly, the only thing I wanted was a instate pipeline) and a few other items.

It would be something to watch for sure.

upinak said...

Rev... yes on the tariff's claim I think it would be a backlash... for all the State EXCEPT those whom are oil producers. Not gas producers, yet.

What most people do not realize that the concentration of natural gas (besides Alaska) is in the Great plains basin and on the eastern side of the Rocky mountians.... and actually 50 miles in the mountains.

To be smart, you can't tax the hell out of someone who can give you something in return. Capitalists (like myself) could use this as a huge bargining chip.

The other problem would be food. I can see that becoming very very bad.

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

Going right over there to read this now Rev! I need to copy it and take it home as, once again, my pc is running out of juice! Blessings,Cassie

Rev. Paul said...

Hi again, Cassie - I believe it's worthy of consideration.

Up, food is mainly what I was referring to when I mentioned tariffs & punitive fees. Alaska currently imports something like 95% of its food, and we might have to find other sources. I suspect there are growers in BC who might like to 'open up' in this market.

upinak said...

Rev. B.C. and Alberta... plus Mexico, India. until someone got sick.

Rev. Paul said...

Sure! After all, we're supposed to be one big happy global family, right? Isn't that what the 'progressives' want?

So we'll get our food from sources outside of the Left Coast. It will probably cost more, but be oh-so-psychologically satisfying, yes?

upinak said...

my head hurts!

Rev. Paul said...

There would be many things necessary to ensure a reasonable continuation of the Alaskans' lifestyles - and a lot of things would change.

I don't advocate secession, or any other particular course of action, but I believe in being prepared for the worst while expecting the best.

LUCKY said...

The question of Tarrifs or taxes isn't what bothers me. What bothers me is the threat of violence. Last time states tried to seccede we had 618,000 Americans killed as a result. We only had around 27 million Americans at the time. If we did this today with our current population with the same percentage that died we would have almost 7 million dead Americans. I am still not convinced that those who still favored a repressive federal government would let us go peacefully into the nite.