21 September 2009

Random Stuff for Monday, 9/21

Man is not free unless government is limited. There's a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts.

~~ Ronald Reagan (farewell address, 1/11/89)

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It's 43 degrees and raining lightly. We will make it only to 51 or so today, and as autumn officially approaches, we're awaiting the sudden appearance of winter. Won't be many more weeks, now.

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Here's a quick answer to the question, "Is the $3800 'fine' for failing to enroll in the proposed health care system a 'fee' or a 'tax'?" It's a tax, of course. A fee is optional.

I keep hearing Dimocrits comparing it to auto insurance, but that comparison doesn't stand up to scrutiny: there's no federal law requiring you to buy a car.

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Yesterday, our daughters announced to us that they will do the Christmas decorations this year, or at least the tree. My wife retains the right of veto, however.

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The local paper says that Mt. Redoubt is still steaming, but the seismic activity has declined to near-normal. Looks like Anchorage dodged a bullet, this time. The poor folks farther south, on the Kenai Peninsula, got the worst of the ash fall.

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That's all for now. Thanks for stopping by.

1 comment:

DR said...

I love that quote, it shows why Reagan was such a great President. We are also rainy and in the 50's. Hope you have a good day.