22 February 2010

The Farce Continues

According to the AP, apparently we're supposed to feel sorry for the guy:
WASHINGTON – Starting over on health care, President Barack Obama knows his chances aren't looking much more promising. A year after he called for a far-reaching overhaul, Obama unveiled his most detailed plan yet on Monday. Realistically, he's just hoping to win a big enough slice to silence the talk of a failing presidency.

Really, his new plan? The one that's cobbled together from the most objectionable bits of the House & Senate plans? And how are they construing their budgetary reconciliation process as being legitimate for vastly differing pieces of legislation? And now, of course, since all the worst bits are in it, Mr. O and friends can offer to take some out, and be all aggrieved if/when the Repubs say "no".

I wouldn't have agreed to go at all, but that's just me. Frankly, I don't care to be eaten by a shark, and whether it's a BIG shark or a slightly smaller one makes little difference. Either way, the experience will suck.

The Dims' mealy-mouthed excuse is, "well, reconciliation is for budgets, and this involves budget items, so it's okay - and besides, George W. Bush did it" - as if THAT makes it all okay.

No, it doesn't. It was wrong then, and it's wrong now.

Nearly everything Congress does involves money - OUR money. But that doesn't mean they can use the budget reconciliation process for everything they do. Conservative Examiner nailed it when he exposed the real reason for this desperate, cram-it-down-our-throats procedure over the weekend: Congress needs the extra taxes this new piece-of-cr@p legislation will generate.

And the taxes are in there, for nearly everyone in the country. So are the so-called "death panels" - the boards which will determine what level of care might be appropriate for each person - and all the other statist provisions which take our money, control our lives, and usurp more of the States' sovereignty.

BOHICA, folks: bigger, harder, and faster. It's the DC way.

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