12 March 2010

It Can't Contradict Itself

I just swung by the local post office, trying to find a correctly-sized shipping box, and I noticed once again the signs prohibiting firearms and other deadly weapons on USPS property. This, next to a dozen or so good ol' Alaskan boys with an assortment of Leatherman pouches and Buck knives. Yeah, right.

As an intellectual exercise, I wonder:

a) since the General Government* is a creation of the States and the Constitution they adopted, it follows that the G.G. cannot exceed its own Constitutionally-established authority; and
b) said Constitution states that the people have a pre-existent right to keep and bear arms, and prohibits Congress from making any law which infringes upon that right; and
c) any entity created by a contract has only the powers which the signers codified in writing, therein;

therefore the USPS prohibition against firearms is prima facie unconstitutional. The federal judge who likewise ruled, a few months back, that the GG has the right to declare some of its land off-limits to firearms was wrong, too. Or, to put it another way, a federal entity must not restrict a federally-protected right on federal property - it's a contradiction to do so; it's the one place where those rights should be the most zealously guarded.

I do understand the concept of creating a weapons-free zone around a VIP, such as the President; it makes sense to establish a safe perimeter. But that's not tied to the land ... it moves with the person.

That being said, it's the law of the land whether Constitutional or no. I won't violate it, because incurring the wrath of the GG is definitely not a good idea, when it can be avoided.

But it is another aggravation; there seem to be a lot of them these days.

*Thomas Jefferson's preferred title for it; who am I to second-guess him?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wonder why the government is so afraid of free people? I to try to obey even the stupid government laws, so I don't go to the post office. Do it all on line while you can.

See Ya.