22 June 2010


It's 53 this morning, breezy and it rained overnight. The skies are still overcast, but the weatherman guesses we'll get close to a normal high of 65 today.

* * * * *
Alaska's Democrat senator - he'd want me to mention his name - had remarks played on the morning news explaining why the oil companies should be compelled to set aside monies to pay for damages "in case there's another spill". (Of course, this is the same guy who, a week ago, was ranting that "it's not a spill; it's a leak". If you want consistency, kindly seek it elsewhere; this is politics we're talking, here.) He insists that Congress should make it the law of the land, so that "some president can't change it in 20 years, or 15 years, or two weeks from now"... yeah, right.

If we're to use the last few administrations as example, the "law of the land" doesn't seem to be more than a mildly-amusing suggestion.

* * * * *
Regarding this year's current crop of bear attacks & threats, one letter-writer in today's editorials insists that the parks belong to us, not the bears.

Well, now. I'm sure the bears are properly chastened, and will leave us all alone, after being put in their place so forcefully.


To be fair, two other letters point out the necessity of using sense, and not venturing into bear country without proper precautions & personal protection (read "firearms").

No kidding.

* * * * *

Y'all keep as as cool as you can; thanks for stopping by.


Anonymous said...

Just how does she propose to do that?

Or like any good liberal she just expects it to be the way she wants it that way and dammit thats why we have guv'mint?

I think she should lead the negotiating team that goes and talks to the bears!

Teresa said...

I want to live in Disneyland too... well maybe not because look at the people who inhabit the place. LOL.