07 June 2010

I Must Show I.D.


I must show ID when:

1. When pulled over by the Police.

2. Making purchases on my credit card.

3. When I verify medical insurance for a doctor's appointment.

4. When filling out a credit card or loan application.

5. When applying for or renewing a driver's license.

6. When applying for any kind of insurance.

7. When filling out college applications.

8. When donating blood.

9. When obtaining controlled prescription drugs.

10. When making some debit purchases, especially if I'm out of state.

11. When collecting a boarding pass for airline or train travel.

12. When proving I am of legal age to buy booze and cigarettes.

13. When voting at the polls.

14. When applying for Social Security, Medicare & Medicaid benefits.

15. When enlisting in the military.

16. When entering a military base.

17. When applying for food stamps.

18. When applying for disability or economic assistance.

19. When cashing a check.

20. When entering my place of work.

21. When applying for or renewing a passport

I'm sure there are more instances, but the point is that we citizens of the USA are required to prove who we are nearly every day. Why should people in this country illegally be exempt?



Jenny said...

While I don't necessarily disagree with the AZ law, I confess I don't like the line of argument here.

"Its okay to X because we already Y" is a ratchet that inevitably gobbles up freedom after freedom. You know, like "it's okay to ban semi-autos because we already have effectively banned new select-fire weapons."

Again, I don't disagree with the conclusion, but I'd much prefer getting there via something like we acknowledge X is not a particularly desirable thing, but due to situation Y we're implementing it for Z years. After that time, we'll reevaluate for effectiveness, continued relevance, and unintended consequences." That way we're not feeding such a dangerous beast.

Rev. Paul said...

Absolutely agreed. I think the writer here was simply outlining current conditions. I harbor no fantasy that "current conditions" even approach the ideal.

FREE people don't need to prove they were born ... it USED to be that one's existence was considered prima facie evidence. And don't even get me started on the rest of the permitting process for everything under the sun.

The older I get, the more libertarian I become.

Cassie said...

You go boy!! I'm just glad I'm not there to see all the hubub on the news every night. What a bunch of whiners. At every turn WE have to prove our birth---just like you said. I'm getting harsher in my old age Rev.!

Teresa said...

Well damn... and here I was going to start telling people I was an illegal alien so they'd leave me alone an let me do what I want. There goes that plan. Heh.

DR said...

Darn it, you are using logic again. You can't use that when challenging liberals or supporting legitimate laws. Remember, it is all about feeling and, of course, none of our feelings matter since we are all racist whites. Oh, wait a minute, my wife is Hispanic and I am native American and white; now I am all confused;-)