11 June 2010

That's About It

I want to apologize to my regular readers for the lackluster posts, of late. I had mentioned before that I was feeling, well, uninspired about writing.

I'll come back when I've got something to say. Thank you for reading this little corner of the cortex.


Home on the Range said...

You inspire us just by how you live your life.

Enjoy some down time.

Teresa said...

Take a little time and recharge without thinking of the blog - look for happy stuff and enjoy yourself. Your blogging mojo will return. :-)

Larry Sheldon said...

I've only been to Alaska three times (once with wife and three little girls in a pickup-camper, twice on cruise ships with my wife and a hundred or so of our closest friends, most of whom will be fo0rever nameless.

But with that small experience, I find startling that anybody who lives there could be uninspired.

Boggles the mind, it does.

Larry Sheldon said...

I mean, I lived in California most of my life, and in Nebraska these last 20 years and lack of inspiration has never been a problem.

Disappointment with church, yes. Disappointment with politics? Oh, my God, yes.

But lack of inspiration> I don't think so.

Anonymous said...

Hey what you write about Alaska and the pics you post I enjoy a lot.All else is icing.
After spending 8 days on in Moose Pass..well let say I am hooked and will return!!
Info even the winter horror stories are great!