13 June 2010

A Quick Update

To those who have left kind comments about me taking a break from blogging: thank you, my friends.

Larry - I'm not "uninspired" about Alaska ... just tired of spending so much time devoted to writing. I needed to get out & enjoy it without the constant little voice in the back of my head telling me to take notes, take pictures, put it in words.

I'm just going to enjoy. For example, after months of making excuses, I finally took my rifle to the range yesterday. I enjoyed that. Nope, didn't take any pictures; didn't save the target. Just made holes in paper & had a thoroughly good time.

Yesterday was sunny, so I went out & enjoyed it. Today is cloudy & a little rainy ... and I'm going out to enjoy it, shortly.

I'll be back. Eventually.


Cassie said...

Thank you,Rev.Paul,for all the news and info you always impart upon us, your faithful followers. Can't say I found anything uninspired, but you know when you feel that way! We'll keep in touch. Have fun with the fam and enjoying the beautiful land our Lord has blessed us with! AND, make sure to stop by and say "hey". My best to your family.

Anonymous said...

Rev Paul;
I know the feeling. Just enjoying each day myself.

See Ya.

Teresa said...

That's excellent! Go and enjoy! You should be able to have fun times that are just that. When blogging becomes "work" it's no fun. It should be fun.

Like when I write about airports. It's fun - I'm laughing to myself while writing. That makes it worth the time. If I was thinking "oh geeze... I need to write this down so I can blog it because everyone expects it..." well it loses charm and enjoyment.

So - Go to the range. Take your camera out. Sit and gaze at the mountains. That's why you're up there. If you have to sit at a computer you'll miss it all!

George said...

What they said: GO FOR IT!