25 October 2010

Back at the Helm

Well. That was a interesting week. About 7,000 miles flown, and another 350 driven, in five days. I know there are road warriors out there who do more than that, but I haven't done it in years, and it kicked my backside.

The good news is that my dad is keeping a positive outlook, and exploring some treatment options. He hasn't given up, and that's a very good thing. My sister the nurse is taking time to be with him, and helping him understand the medical terminology and procedures that are available.

I spent a couple of hours with MO Bro, my occasional co-author here, and caught up very briefly with Dana and Sandi-with-an-i, who also sometimes contribute material.

Most of the time, however, was spent with my parents, who are feeling very vulnerable and a bit overwhelmed at what lies ahead. I won't go into personal details, of course, but I think they're doing as well as can be expected.

Beyond that, I got very little sleep due to the jet lag and the short timeframe, and had gone through short attention span (oh, look ... a moose!) to forgetfulness, to initially sitting in the wrong seat on the final leg of the trip, this afternoon. I got myself straightened out as quickly as possible, but I strongly recommend more than 30 minutes' sleep prior to launching a series of interconnecting flights. Especially when that short sleep happens a couple (or four) nights in a row.

I exaggerate - a bit - but it was as disorienting a time as I can recall since the early '70s ... heh. But let's not go there, shall we?

So, onward and upward. I need to find out what's going on in the political races at the local and state levels. The last time I looked, the Anchorage and Fairbanks newspapers - along with that so-called "journalist" who was handcuffed by Joe Miller's security detail - were doing their level best to crucify him in the court of public opinion.

Somehow I doubt that much has changed in that regard. Nevertheless, I hope to be back on topic(s) by tomorrow.

One personal note: my older daughter is 21 today. That will be the occasion of much merriment tomorrow, as she's returning from L.A. tonight.

Thanks for stopping by.


Meadow said...

Welcome back! Hope your mind is at peace after the visit with your dad.

Happy Birthday to your daughter :)

Teresa said...

First off - welcome back.

I'm sorry your family has to go through this. It's going to be a rough time for your parents. I'm glad your sister is there to help and I'm very glad you were able to take some time and go see them. I'm sure that cheered them up quite a bit. (nothing is a wonderful to a parent as knowing their children will take the time to come see them when things are rough).

Oh and you don't need 30 minutes of sleep to grab the wrong seat on a flight. I've done it without that excuse when I had 2 boarding passes and grabbed the wrong one by accident. *sigh* Sooooo embarrassing! I still cringe when I think of it. heh.

Congratulations to your daughter on turning 21!!! That was the only milestone I ever cared about. LOL. Hope she has a terrific birthday!

DR said...

Good to have you back. Glad to hear your father is not giving in. God has worked many miracles and I still pray your father is healed.

May God's blessing be with you all.

joated said...

Prayers for your Dad--and you sound lik you could use a few short term ones as well!

Happy Birthday to the Eldest!