29 March 2009

Ash Fall - The Morning After

This is ash, not snow.

It's ... ugly out there. Thank God for the snow - it trapped most of the ash. The roads are kind of bad, since they're mainly clear. The swirling clouds formed by the passing cars are keeping the drivers about 50 yards apart (which might actually be an improvement).

The lines at the car washes are a block long, all over town, as folks try to limit the amount of time the ash is in contact with their paint jobs.

It took several gallons of water to wash the clumped, heavy ash off my windshield before I could see to drive.

Fortunately, no more has fallen at this point. AccuHunch is calling for a few inches of snow, tonight and tomorrow. That's a good thing.

Y'all have a great Sunday - let me hear from you.


GUYK said...

that's what I cal DIRTY SNOW

Rev. Paul said...

Yup - that's one way to describe it. Also gritty, abrasive, acidic, and several other less-than-savory terms come to mind!

Cassie said...

Now I'm wondering,is this ash like flyash from the electrostatic precipitators at coal fired generating stations?? That stuff(SO2) when hit with water became sulfuric acid and could really burn ones skin. I once worked at a coal fired plant & remember one of the laborers getting aweful burns on the legs from it. Sheesh, I hope the volcanic ash isn't like that.

Rev. Paul said...

It's acidic, but not quite as bad as that. Skin contact is not advisable.