10 March 2009

Tuesday Tidbits

Good morning! It's still warm-ish, in the low 20s, and AccuHunch says we'll probably get another inch of snow today. The temp yesterday got up to 32, and the inch we got promptly melted in the bright sun. Today looks like a re-run.

We're up to 11 hours and 19 minutes between sunrise & sunset today, which means we'll have 12 hours in another week. There's already more than 12 hours of light, as the light appears for a half-hour before sunrise and after sunset. Even as we face the prospect of another month of winter, the days grow that much longer in promise of the summer to come.

The Iditarod racers are moving more slowly this year, held up by the heavy snow & blizzards as they run across the frozen tundra. You can read the latest update here.

My wife is encouraged by her first day at the new job. As always, there's a learning curve as she begins to absorb the terminology and routines at a new workplace. She likes the guy she works for, and that's always a good thing, too.

Mt. Redoubt, if anyone wondered, has been slowly growing more quiescent, and I believe it's fallen off the 'radar screen' for most of us. I still check the website once or twice a day, but nothing much is going on.

It's getting to be the time of year for the hibernating bears to emerge. It remains to be seen whether there will be more attacks in Anchorage; there were three maulings in town, last year, for the first time ever. The Alaska Board of Game is allowing snares in the Chugach Forest (adjoining Anchorage) this year, in an attempt to curb the growing ursine population.

That's about all for now; tune in next time for another exciting tale. Same bat-time; same bat-channel!


Deer Passion said...

I hope things continue going well for your wife! As for the bears, I hope the maulings will be on a downward curve this year...

Rev. Paul said...

Thanks, DP! As for the predators, they appear to be on the increase. In addition to the bears last year, there was a wolf pack that attacked and killed several dogs - and chased at least one jogger - last fall.

Life in Alaska!

Lanny said...

Ooooh a dose of someone's reality to humble me in my whining about a little late season (for us) snow.

Why is the population of bears on a rise up there? We are dealing with coyotes, cougar and bear like never before but that is because several years back our state passed an "anti-trap and/or hunt with dogs" law. Here on the farm we noticed the increase nearly right away but it has taken several years for the suburbanites and the-hiker jogger set to begin to be affected.

Rev. Paul said...

Welcome, Lanny!

No one is sure why the bears started increasing their numbers last year, but it's clear the threat remains.

Here in Anchorage, humans are NOT at the top of the food chain: we share this city with dozens of brown, black, and grizzly bears. There are also some 1200 moose, and a couple packs of wolves in town (but rarely sighted).