24 April 2009

Quote of the Day

"The Second Amendment is a doomsday provision, one designed for those exceptionally rare circumstances where all other rights have failed--where the government refuses to stand for reelection and silences those who protest; where courts have lost the courage to oppose, or can find no one to enforce their decrees. However improbable these contingencies may seem today, facing them unprepared is a mistake a free people get to make only once."

Alan Gura
Robert A. Levy
Clark M. Neily III
February 24, 2008
RESPONDENT’S BRIEF On Writ Of Certiorari To The United States Court Of Appeals For The District Of Columbia Circuit.

1 comment:

LUCKY said...

Amen. I totaly agree with this as the reason that our founding fathers provided the 2nd amendment. All of the other reasons used to defend the 2nd amendment are secondary to this. our founding fathers had studied history and learned that a population that is deprived of the means to protect itself quickly become sheep with wolves watching over them deciding which sheep is eaten each day. There idea was for the government to live in fear of the sheep because they were well armed.

Arguements that favor gun control might be full of all kinds of feel good propaganda about how guns are evil and our children will kill eachother. However this is also beating around the bush. They don't want guns because they don't accept the true definition of tolerance and want to impose their views on an unwilling population. They try to convince us that guns will destroy our civilzation but I disagree and this is why: http://lucksrants.blogspot.com/2009/03/why-gun-is-civilization.html

When we lose our right to defend ourselves we will shorty there after lose our republican form of government and descend into bondage and slavery.