23 May 2009

Saturday, Part 2: Range Report

For those of you who remember the last time I posted about a trip to the range, you'll recall the target was pretty well covered with holes.

Today, I fired the first four shots, which are the four holes located on the lower half of the target here.

I took the magazine out & watched the muzzle as I pulled on the trigger. Aha! I was anticipating the recoil, causing the muzzle to dip just before the hammer fell.

I put the magazine back in ... concentrated on holding the pistol steady ... took my time, and squeezed slowly. The final three shots appeared above & just right of center.

The rest of the time was much more enjoyable, now that I can put the shots where I want them. Older Daughter & I had a great time!

Then we stopped at Sportsman's Warehouse on the way home & purchased two pairs of shooters' earmuffs, as my old percussion-activated earplugs were losing their effectiveness.

And sonuvagun (bad pun alert), the skies have gotten cloudy ... AccuHunch got it at least half right. No rain yet, though.


Teresa said...

Ah I'm nearly always high right. Then I over compensate to low left. LOL. I need more practice.

Home on the Range said...

Looks like fun. .

Rev. Paul said...

Teresa - I don't get to practice nearly as often as I should. The scarcity of ammo here has made me reluctant to shoot more frequently.

Brigid - it was fun! My daughter's hand is a bit sore from the recoil, as she has very small hands. I enjoyed finally beginning to recover the accuracy I once had. And you'd have been welcome, too!