06 May 2009

Wednesday Morning, May 6

Good morning!

The good guy won our mayoral race - and his opponent confirmed, in my mind, why he lost. His remarks on TV news were ... let's say less than conciliatory. He said, "He's got a big job ahead of him, and I hope he's up to it."

Classy to the last, eh?

* * * * *

It's warmer than yesterday morning, by about 10 degrees, but feels colder. Yesterday was clear, sunny and 33, with low humidity. Today it's cloudy with lowering skies, and quite windy. We finally closed the windows and ran the furnace for a cycle, to take the chill out of the place.

* * * * *

There is significant flooding along the Yukon and Kuskokwim rivers, in the Interior. Those rivers are clogged by ice that hasn't melted, and the floes blocked the snowmelt from upstream - which has now flooded several villages.

The ice has stripped trees bare, knocked down power transmission poles, and worse. The "worse" is that it has also collapsed houses and other buildings, and has pushed yet more off their foundations. The damage is substantial in the villages of Eagle, Circle, Fort Yukon, Beaver, and Stevens, among others. The villages of Kalskag, Kobuk, and McGrath are in potential danger, as well.

* * * * *

The road to Whittier is still closed due to the rockslide which happened earlier this year. Engineers did more blasting, yesterday, to bring down large slabs which had been threatening to fall. They're hopeful that they've cleared the worst of it, and will be able to open the road soon.

So are the residents, I'm sure.

* * * * *

Mt. Redoubt hasn't blown again - yet - but the Volcano Observatory website posted this at 6:28 this morning: "Seismic activity remains elevated and largely unchanged over the last 2 hours. It is possible that an explosive event could occur at any time with little warning."

That's enough news for now; I will have a fairly quiet day today, I think. AccuHunch is guessing we might get some rain, which would be good.

Y'all come back!


Teresa said...

Yay for the good guy win!!! I have noticed that politicians who think they know what's best for us and want government to take care of us and want to raise taxes, all seem to be very nasty people in the end. Classless is about the best that can be said of them.

I really feel for the people having the issues with ice and flooding. Having had my share of these events in a more minor way (we didn't lose any houses to flooding, only stuff in the basement) I do know how awful it is when these things happen. *sigh*

And so we will hope for a nice quiet day where things settle a bit. No eruptions of volcanoes, no earthquakes, that would all be to the good. ;-)

Rev. Paul said...

Thanks, Teresa; we join you in that hope.

The flooded areas are hundreds of miles to the northeast, near the Canadian border. The ice floes include chunks larger than the houses they ram into & dislodge. It's really awful for those folks.

The winds are blowing away from Anchorage again this morning, so any eruption today should be a non-event for us.