09 June 2009

Tuesday Thoughts & Other Stuff

It is another absolutely glorious day - 61 degrees, clear blue skies, with a nice southeasterly breeze. The foliage is lush and green, as it frequently is this time of year. The air is still crisp and fresh, with a salty tang from the Inlet. It's the sort of day to make a person feel glad to be alive!

We're only 12 days from the summer solstice, the 'longest' day, but already have 24 hours of usable daylight. Have I mentioned I love June in Alaska?

* * * * *

There's a bit of buzz about Governor Palin's interview on Sean Hannity (on Fox News, in case you've just emerged from a year of fasting in a cave), generating mostly favorable comment. She has always been smart & capable, and yesterday there was no chance for CBS or any other left-stream media outlet to mess up the editing, to make her look bad. If you saw it, you saw the Sarah Palin that we all know.

There's a reason why she's the most popular governor in the States.

* * * * *

On a personal note, I've been longing recently to get away, to go ... well, somewhere that isn't work or home. I have no particular destination in mind, but feel the need to simply get away for awhile. No cell phone, no e-mail, no interruptions. That would be nice. Since I've only been on my job since November, I won't be taking any vacation this year ... although I plan to take a day or two off in August.

The reason for that is because MO Bro is coming up here to spend a week. We talk several times weekly, but haven't seen each other face-to-face in years. It'll be good, and I'm looking forward to it.

I think what I'm missing, though, is a walk in the woods. It's not hard to find woods in Alaska, but it has been hard to find the time. I think the time has come. I need to get out and get away. I long for a place where I can't hear the sound of another human at all. Just for awhile, you know?

* * * * *

Since it's well after quitting time everywhere else but here & in Hawaii, y'all have a great evening. Thanks for stopping by!


LUCKY said...


I just read about the chain of command thing on the side of your blog. It made me smile.

Rev. Paul said...

I'm glad you like it. "Firefly" was the most quotable TV series since M*A*S*H - and a lot more pertinent.

In it's day, MASH was anti-Vietnam ... Firefly was anti-authoritarian-government.

Teresa said...

Actually, when I posted about vacation, this is the same reason I have for going somewhere. We have a lovely house in a lovely area. It's just that I need to get out - go away - do something different for more than a long weekend. (which is the longest time we've gone anywhere in the last... um... 6 years or so - and no I don't count moving across the country as a vacation... lol).

Rev. Paul said...

Agreed. I've had only a week of vacation in the last 2 1/2 years, which is clearly not enough.