30 June 2009


It's been one of those days.
I had something like this, years ago, as a county official in the Midwest.
It was a joke, then. It still is today.
I think.


upinak said...

I think my BF has that one.

SR said...

How hilarious, and so true.

Rev. Paul said...

Uppy - Mine was a home-made version, using an M-67 dummy (real grenade, no fuse or powder), mounted on a small board. Used it as a paperweight, and then added the plaque & pull-tag on the pin, later. I also had a desk clock which was 3 sticks of dynamite taped together, with a wire leading to a circuit board on which was mounted a small digital clock. Only the clock was real, of course, but it invited a LOT of funny looks, stares, and comments. Which was, of course, the point.

SR - agreed!