10 July 2009

Friday Fun

Jacob, age 92, and Rebecca, age 89, living in Florida, are all excited about their decision to get married. They go for a stroll to discuss the wedding and on the way they pass Wright's Pharmacy. Jacob suggests they go in, and he addresses the man behind the counter:

"Are you the Pharmacist?"

The pharmacist answers, "Yes."

Jacob: "We're about to get married. Do you sell heart medication?"

Pharmacist: "Of course we do."
Jacob: "How about medicine for circulation?"
Pharmacist: "All kinds."
Jacob: "Medicine for rheumatism and sclerosis?"
Pharmacist: "Definitely."
Jacob: "How about Viagra?"
Pharmacist: "Of course."
Jacob: "Medicine for memory problems, arthritis, jaundice?"
Pharmacist: '"Yes, a large variety. The works."
Jacob: "What about vitamins, sleeping pills, Geritol, antidotes for Parkinson's disease?"

Pharmacist: "Absolutely."
Jacob: "You sell wheelchairs and walkers?"
Pharmacist: "All speeds and sizes. Look, do you want something?"
Jacob: "Yes. We'd like to use this store as our Bridal Registry."


Home on the Range said...

ha. I'm still laughing at my 90 year old Dad wanting to go see "Viagra Falls" when he was attending a wedding in the Northeast in 07.

Rev. Paul said...

Now THAT'S funny! Bless his heart.

ajdshootist said...

That Sir is a damn funny joke must remember it to tell my 90yr old mother she will love it.

deedee said...

hubby and I both laughed :)