20 July 2009

Monday Part Deux

So it's pretentious. Your point?

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One of the most persistent filers of ethics complaints against Sarah Palin has filed yet another one, today. That person would want me to mention her name.

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The rains stopped earlier today, but the grey skies have left everyone drowsy and longing for sleep. I don't think I've ever been anyplace where the weather has such a profound effect on the people. It's like a science experiment: when the sun shines, everyone is energized and wants to stay up all night. When it gets cloudy, the entire population gets sleepy.

Strange and fascinating, at the same time. I'd pursue this line of questioning, but ... Must. Take. Nap.

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My younger daughter has suddenly taken an interest in our family's immediate history, with specific interest in cars.

"When did you buy the Super Bee, Dad? How long did you have it? Why did you sell it? What did you buy next? Then what did you get?"

I foresee that this girl is going to want to drive as soon as legally possible.

I also enjoyed watching her jaw hit the floor when I told her what I paid for the '68 Super Bee, in 1978 - $600.00 - and they now sell at auction for as much as $80K. If I'd only known ... (kicks self in posterior, several times).

I'm still looking for the one-and-only picture of me with the Bee.

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The new external hard drive works flawlessly, which is nice. It's always a good thing when a piece of technology billed as plug-and-play actually is. It wouldn't be the first time that "seamless integration" went horribly south ... like that 300MB drive I purchased back in 1999 which first partitioned itself into eight drives, and then promptly erased its OS and became a 1.5MB drive. No amount of coaxing would bring it back ... it was a dreaded FAT32 error. Oh, the horrors!!

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Some pinhead is on O'Reilly arguing that we don't have enough money to visit Mars. To which I reply, pfaddle! (I'm quite the wordsmith, you know...)

It would be a tiny drop in the bucket compared to the trillions we're now throwing blithely around at the federal level, so why not? All we really need is an agency other than NASA to head it up.

I'd better stop here, as the rambling would only continue.


DR said...

"Three times the moose - three times the fun"

As it should be;-)

DR said...

I notice your guys' weather is pretty much the same as we have here in the frozen tundra. We just don't have the beautiful views, or the freedom, or a conservative governor, and the Second Amendment, forget it.

joated said...

Maybe it's time for folks to start looking at who is filing all these ethics complaints---and costing the state of Alaska lots of time and money.

Might be good to look at the panels and/or judges who haven't tossed these complaints for the rubbish they are and filed contempt/abuse charges against the accusers.

Rev. Paul said...

DR - I like watching the moose. They're dumb as a post, but still part of God's creation, and I always marvel at his creativity.

Joated - the ethics law as written doesn't allow the State to retaliate against the frivolous filers - yet. Some of our legislators are working on that for the next session.

Anonymous said...

I'm from MO. and without looking I can guess who filed the complaint. The poor misguided idiot. Somebody made a comment in the media that the money being spent on the stimulus plan would have paid for a Mars colony which then would helped the economy instead of the lackluster results we have now.