28 August 2009

Friday Afternoon

It's a cool & damp day, with light rain falling. We managed to eke out a 55-degree high, but temps are falling again, as of 3:40. At least it's a light overcast, rather than dark and dreary. We'll have enough of those days, soon enough.

Of course it's raining: the State Fair started yesterday. The Fair is nothing without ankle-deep mud! And let's not forget the two- and three-hour traffic jams as ten or fifteen thousand people try to get into the same parking lot, from the same two-lane blacktop road.

The seagulls have been gone for a month, and we've been serenaded by flocks of south-bound geese at sunrise and sunset for the last two weeks.

* * * * *

The return of cooler weather necessitates wardrobe changes. Soon it will be too chilly to wear short-sleeved shirts. Concealing a firearm in summertime is a little more complicated than in the winter, but I suppose that Alaskan summers, with our correspondingly lower temps, offer an advantage that I wouldn't have in a warmer climate.

On all but the warmest days, I can get away with wearing a nice vest over a lightweight shirt. The vest has Velcro pockets with built-in adjustable elastic holster straps on both sides of the opening. That's nice, as we southpaws needs to be able to draw, too. I also appreciate that I don't always need to have my pistol weighing down my belt.

Once the weather has moved to "winter" status, a light jacket is perfectly normal, indoors or out. In the meantime, I keep my office a degree or two cooler than most other folks, so that I don't get too warm with the vest over a shirt.

Oh, well - I believe I'm preaching to the converted, here, since most of my readers are already gunny types.

* * * * *

I'm deliberately avoiding political topics, the last couple of days; I wanted some time to let things settle and/or percolate. I'll be back to a rolling boil in no time, I'm afraid.

Thanks for stopping by, folks. I truly appreciate the time you spend looking at my little corner of 'teh intarw3bz'. Also, I notice a couple of new followers, so "Welcome!" to them.

Have a great weekend.


Meadow said...

I've just come back from the town hall meeting that Lisa M. held in Wasilla. (Of course, I had to hit Walmart before actually coming home!)

Very nice size crowd. Lisa was gracious, as always.

I was very surprised for a Friday, 10-12noon meeting, the parking lots were full!

We were the 'astroturf' crowd. The meeting was held in the Menard Sports Arena in the big area where the Turf for Tots is held. The floor was covered with astroturf.

Rev. Paul said...

I bet your experience today would make a great post for a certain blog, Meadow.

Meadow said...

gmta Rev. Paul

done off the cuff, just like my post here :)

I'm starting to scare myself!

The Farmer said...

Glad to see you take a breather. A guy your age could hurt yourself getting in a stew over politics.

Thanks for the birthday wish the other day. So far so good. A bad hip and a bad back, taint so bad for a youngin' like me.

Rev. Paul said...

Gee thanks, Mr. P. I'll get even for that one ... ha.

I hope the rest of your harvest season goes smoothly.

upinak said...

Well it is chilly...

I am staying AWAY from the fair until later this week due to the kids...

You have the QOTD over at Josh's blog...

And I should be going hunting soon. HAHA!

DR said...

We have had the same weather for about a week here; cold and rainy. We are lucky to get into the 60's.

Rev. Paul said...

Uppy - no fair going hunting without me. So next year, live in fear!

DR - sorry to hear about Algore's global cooling affecting you, too.