13 August 2009

Lake Hood: Busiest Floatplane Airport

MOBro and I spent part of the afternoon watching the floatplanes land and take off from Lake Hood. Here are a few pictures. (Click to enlarge.)


Teresa said...

Very cool. Love watching planes it's always fun.

deedee said...

Looks like it was a fun day - love your moose header pictures :)

joated said...

I, too, enjoy watching the float planes take off and land in a spray of water. That little rocking motion to break the surface tension just before lift off is somthing you don't see with other planes.

And when I'm a passenger sitting next to the pilot as he lifts up, I'm always thinking of the Little Engine That Could: I think I can. I think I can... And sorta praying he, in fact, can! Especially when the end of the lake is approaching too quickly!