03 August 2009

The reason we can't trust them...

... is because they don't know what they're doing. In a town hall meeting, Rep. Tim Bishop (New York) made the statement to the attendees that "the purpose of the Constitution is to provide for the common good."

No, it's not.

The Constitution says, in part, "provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty for ourselves and our Posterity."

Fortunately, the people there called him on that, and on much more. You can find the video (didn't you know there'd be video?) at Pundit & Pundette.

h/t Pundette


Jenny said...

Oh, how many times has "promote the general Welfare" been used to mean "government handouts are Constitutional?"

"You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means..."

Rev. Paul said...

Exactly right - and it doesn't. It has taken far too long for the sleeping giant to reawaken. But that's finally happened.