11 September 2009

Friday P.M. - Enough is Enough

Enough already. Words mean things, which is why we use them ... to convey meaning. Otherwise, it's just random monkey noises, not unlike what we hear from Congress.


Radio today has been full of commentary about the 9/11 attacks, but it's sadly clear that not everyone is playing with a full deck.

Once more, children, for the record:
  1. The 2, 996 victims didn't just die - they were murdered in cold blood.
  2. It wasn't an accident; it was an act of war.
  3. The perpetrators were - and those who supported and equipped them are - terrorists.
I don't give a rip whether it's politically correct to call them that; that's what they are. They did it to create terror.

Which brings me to the second meaning.

Citizens and veterans protesting unconstitutional congressional power grabs aren't terrorists. They are protesters. That's what protesters do: they protest things.

They're not Nazis; they're not "un-American"; they're not terrorists. And political protest ISN'T un-American ... it's among the most uniquely American things we can do: engaging in free speech.

If the protest strikes terror in the heart of an elected official, then I have to ask what said official has been doing to feel so guilty. Peddling influence? Taking kickbacks under the table? Steering plum government contracts to relatives? Been intent upon enlarging the federal bureaucracy beyond all reason?

No? Then what are you afraid of?

A person who hijacks a commercial airliner full of innocent travelers, and flies said plane into an occupied building, is a terrorist. Not a protester. Not a misunderstood victim of American policies overseas. A TERRORIST: one who creates terror by irrational, criminal, war-like activities.

If a voter scares you, Mr. or Ms. Elected Official, then get out of office NOW. You don't deserve our respect for sneering down your nose at "the little people." I would point out that the fact that you garnered more votes than your opponent did not magically convey wisdom or worth to you. You have only that which you had when you entered office. Too bad, isn't it?

That last bit is our fault. We admit it. We have been complacent for far too long. We didn't examine your record, and your motives, as closely as we should have.

But we won't be fooled again. We're watching you.

You should act like your continuance in office depends on it, because it does. Nobody owes you ANYTHING, sir or madam, including the brass ring of "re-election".

Listen up, Congress. We, your employers, are watching you ... and speaking up. You'd best pay attention.


Meadow said...

HEAR HEAR! I'm with you in your sentiments, Rev. Paul.

Another thing, those planes didn't fall out of the sky, they were flown into the buildings deliberately by TERRORISTS!

We have been kept safe by our military, you know, those young folks who take up arms to protect people. Protect them from TERRORISTS!

Where is the antacid?

joated said...

Well said, Paul. I couldn't agree with you more.

DR said...

I completely agree with everything you wrote. It needs to be said more often. I can't believe how many have forgotten the horrors of that day or how many politicians forget the oath that they swear. It is time they take their job serious and defend the Constitution.

Are you going to catch any of Glenn Beck's 9-12 coverage today?

Anonymous said...

Very well done. I concur wholeheartedly!


Rev. Paul said...

All: thank you.

DR: yes, we're recording it (started at 9 a.m. AK time) for later viewing, since wife & youngest have a meeting at the school office this morning.

Cassie said...

We're in complete agreement here with you also. Pat just said he's disgusted with all the pc crapolla and the libs. (He's reading your blog with me.)

deedee said...

Yes!!! Is there a way to have your comments published in the local newspaper? You should.