14 September 2009

Monday - the Usual Suspects

It's local news time.

Drivers on the Kenai Peninsula need to keep a weather eye on the local caribou herds, according to a story in the Peninsula Clarion. It seems the herds are moving from summer to winter ranges, and driving gets a little more exciting for awhile.

Global warming be da ... uhh, darned - it seems that reports of the loss of arctic sea ice are premature. The Canadian Press is reporting that
"Philippe Poupon's trip through Canada 's fabled Northwest Passage almost ground him to a halt. "It was not so easy," deadpanned the sailor so famous in his native France he is known familiarly as "Philou." Speaking from Alaska a few days after completing his trip through the passage aboard the Fleur Australe, Poupon offered a gentle reality check to anyone who thinks climate change has turned Arctic waters into an ocean highway. "We found a lot of ice. We had to take care because the ice is still there and when you are on ice, wind, fog or the night, it could be very dangerous."

From CNN: Sarah Palin's speech to investors in China next week will be closed to the media, organizers of the event confirmed to CNN Monday. The former Alaska governor is set to address the annual CLSA Investors' Forum Sept. 23. "We are not disclosing the topic of Sarah Palin's presentation at this point," said Simone Wheeler, head of communications for CLSA. "For keynote presentations, it is the speaker's decision as to whether or not their sessions are closed. Several of our keynotes this year are not open to media," Wheeler said.

I love that she has control of the media access to her - a luxury she didn't have as governor. But as a private citizen ... snap! And she's been in firmly in charge ever since announcing that she would step down from office.

* * * * *

The rain has stopped, the sun has been trying to stay out all day, and we made it up to 56 degrees. That's just about normal for this time of year, so we're not complaining. That comes in December and January, when it's dark all the time and/or 25 below. Then we grumble ... a bit.

Have a great evening!

1 comment:

joated said...

But...but...but all that pipeline and everything was supposed to do away with the caribou! Wasn't it?

Love reading about how the Northwest Passage will be ice free for all these sailors that keep getting stuck/stopped by...ice. All it took the Russians was a couple of huge ice breakers to get them through.

Did the article even mention that when President Clinton made his speech in the same venue that he, too, had it closed to the press? No? Color me surprised. NOT!