09 September 2009

Thank You

I apologize for short posts & other people's quotes. I've been unusually occupied recently.

There are a number of things going on at the national level, of which anyone with eyes and ears is aware. I've been trying not to let them get to me, and reminding myself that I originally started this blog as a therapeutic exercise. I suspect that many bloggers share that motive ... at least, at the beginning.

I've covered many topics, and ranted about this, that, and/or the other, as the spirit (or Spirit, in some cases) moved me. I've made some friends along the way, and have even corresponded with some of them. Nice folks, one and all. I've heard from a couple of them this afternoon, and learned they're doing well, and I'm gratified to know that. They'll know who they are, when they read this.

I guess what I'm saying here is that I have a pretty good life, free of many of the stresses and trials which seem to beset so many others. I'm grateful that there are folks who keep visiting my little corner of teh intarw3bz, and I appreciate the time you spend here.

If there's ever anything you'd like me to mention regarding Alaska, or whatever, please let me know.

Thanks for stopping by. And I mean that: thank you!


Teresa said...

If I moved to Alaska would I have more hours in my day??? LOL. That's specifically what I need.

I'm so far behind on all my blog reading right now, it's not even funny. But I try my best to keep up and see what everyone has to say. I love hearing about your local happenings because you're in a different place than I am. It's fun to read. So keep up the good work. And I shall attempt to keep on reading. ;-)

SR said...

Rev. Paul,

I know what you mean, blogging was an outlet for us in the beginning. After a while it took on a life of its own and even became draining at times. But, the rewards far out weigh it all.

Your blog has been like a window to Alaska for us and we are grateful to you for sharing. We look forward to visiting Way Up North each day and literally someday.

Keep your chin up; your blog touches many of your readers and has become an uplifting part of each day. You cannot not know all the ways God has used your blog; we have had some pretty amazing confirmations from things you have written. I believe God has a great purpose for your blog and for you.

Thank you

Rev. Paul said...

Thank you, Teresa. I appreciate the encouragement.

And thank you, SR. That means more to me than you know. I will not stop, and I remember you, and others like you, each time I begin to write.

Home on the Range said...

Your words and the portal into a live unspoiled by many things offers comfort. More than you know.