30 September 2009

That's What I Get

for listening to AccuHunch. It was supposed to be rainy today, and sunny tomorrow, and so I didn't take my range bag along to work. Naturally, the sun has been shining for most of the day, although it is clouding up a little bit. So no shooty goodness this afternoon.

I will take the bag tomorrow, regardless of the forecast, and plan on making one last adjustment to the rear sight on my pistol. There's that whole right-eye-dominant-left-handed-shooter thing going on, and I tend to shoot to the right, just a bit ... comes from trying to see using my left eye. It won't take much, though, as it's been hitting about an inch or so to the right at 30 feet.

And today was payday, so I'll pick up some more rifle ammo, too. I still only have about 1/3 as much as I have for the pistol, but that's getting better now that the ammo shelves are starting to have actual product on them, rather than just dust.

In the meantime, two more Clive Cussler novels have arrived, and I'll have the homestead to myself for the next couple of hours. I'll see if I can get my work-addled brain to settle down & let me concentrate on reading for awhile.

There's one more book still to come, due tomorrow. That will take care of my reading needs for a few more days.

1 comment:

Cassie said...

Hi Rev! Seems like this AccuHunch you deal with is way more hunch than accu! hehe.

You and your wife were music majors?! Well aren't you full of surprises? My whole fam is musical in one way or another.

The weather here has finally gotten Fall/Winter like. High of 50 today and Schweitzer has snow. Yippee. Fire in the fireplace tonight.

Went to the NRA dinner a week ago and put in bids and $$ for all the gun and pistol raffles. Didn't win anything, but it was fun. Have a good week.