24 September 2009

Thursday Thoughts

Good morning. We have 31 degrees here, and it's only to be in the mid-40s today .. or so AccuHunch guesseth. They're also predicting 32 tonight with rain. Sounds like fun, eh? Fortunately, we'd been having a fairly warm "fall" until yesterday, so the ground is still warm; not much danger of icy streets. We hope.

And now for something completely different: cat haiku!

The food in my bowl
Is old, and more to the point
Contains no tuna.
So you want to play.
Will I claw at dancing string?
Your ankle's closer.
There's no dignity
in being sick - which is why
I don't tell you where.
Seeking solitude,
I am locked in the closet.
For once I need you.
Tiny can, dumped in
plastic bowl. Presentation:
one star; service: none.
Am I in your way?
You seem to have it backwards:
this pillow's taken.
Your mouth is moving;
up and down, emitting noise.
I've lost interest.
The dog wags his tail,
seeking approval. See mine?
Different message.
My brain: walnut-sized.
Yours: largest among primates.
Yet, who leaves for work?
Most problems can be
ignored. The more difficult
ones can be slept through.
My affection is conditional.
Don't stand up;
it's your lap I love.
Cats can't steal the breath
of children. But if my tail's
pulled again, I'll learn.
I don't mind being
teased, any more than you mind
a skin graft or two.
So you call this thing
your "cat carrier." I call
these my "blades of death."
Toy mice, dancing yarn,
meowing sounds. I'm convinced:
you're an idiot.

(h/t MoBro)

Have a great Thursday!

1 comment:

joated said...

Having three cats who own me, I find these much too true to life.