29 September 2009

Tuesday Stuff

Good morning! We had 29 degrees overnight, and there's white stuff all over the ground, roofs, and cars. It can't be snow, or else AccuHunch would have mentioned it was coming ... no? Yes.

It won't last long, as we're to see mid-40s by late afternoon, but it confirms the wisdom of getting the snow tires put on already. Winter's going to be here a might early, it seems.

Update: the frost & light snow was all gone - except from the windshields - by the time I left for work.

Another candidate
has announced he's running for governor, next year. That makes five declared candidates so far (3 Dims, 2 Repubs including the current governor). This newest fellow appears to be campaigning on the issue of how badly we need to pipe natural gas from the North Slope down here. Laudable goal, that.

The local electric companies are talking about the possibility of rolling blackouts on the coldest days when peak demand hits. A 20-minute blackout isn't a major ordeal, and no one will freeze because of it, but just think of all the digital clocks which must be continuously reset.

On the other hand, if that's the worst part of it, then we're fortunate indeed.

It was a busy day, yesterday, which explains my lack of posting. There'll be more, later. Thanks for stopping by.


DR said...

Can't be snow; global warming has y'all in the 90's. The polar bears are all suffering. I know it because the left tells us so;-)

We are freezing, though not 29. We live right off of Lake Michigan and you would not believe the bitter cold that comes off of that Lake.

I bet it gets mighty cold up there, even in a 20 minute period. Is it the feds keeping you from constructing the pipline or the state enviornmental laws?

Hope y'all had a great weekend.

Rev. Paul said...

DR, we had a great weekend; thanks.

I spent two years on an Aleutian island (Adak) - I know quite well the cold air that comes from freezing seas.

The pipeline must meet a number of standards, both State and federal. The permitting process is lengthy, but one of the biggest issues appears to be the financial aspect, i.e., how much the project will cost, the future price of natural gas, and whether the project will be viable.

It's a multi-billion dollar investment for whoever builds it, if it gets built. And yes, the federal gov't is severely restricting when & where wells can be drilled.

deedee said...

love to hear about the things going on in Alaska - we've had 106 to 108 this week so far - can't wait to see winter time this year

joated said...

Jeez, quit patting yourself on the back on the snow tire thing...you'll sprain your shoulder!

Rev. Paul said...

Hi, Deedee - long time, no hear.

Joated ... heh. Actually, not bragging as much as saying it in relief that I didn't wait a week too long. Like last year, when we faced the first heavy snows & still had street tires on.

Teresa said...

OMG - snow already!!!! NOOOO!!!! I just saw today on Instapundit a link saying the Northeast is supposed to have a VERY cold winter. *sigh* Well, better than the very HOT summers down south, but still...

GunGeek said...

You'd think that what I paid for my stove and microwave that they'd have at least a little battery backup for the clock. For crying out loud, my $9 clock radio let me put a 9V battery in it so that it doesn't go blinky-blinky when the power hiccups.

That would actually be a selling point that might make me choose one model over another.