16 September 2009

Wednesday Afternoon

Today was busy, and fairly productive. Three of my tenants have leases expiring in the next year, and all three will renew. That's a good thing, and makes my boss a happy camper.

The sun showed its face today, and consequently the temperature rose to 59 - higher than AccuHunch's guess of 57. That's a good thing, too. It has grown cloudy again, but there's a breeze, so all it well.

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The new router was worth the minor headaches. I can tell that my hard-wired connection is quicker, and my daughter's wireless set-up is almost twice as fast as before. Well worth the hundred bucks or so.

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Norm Olson* and Ray Southwell, formerly of the Michigan Militia, relocated to Nikiski, Alaska a few years ago. Apparently Olson's disappointed that only 20 people showed up at a recent rally where he wanted to talk about forming an Alaska militia. (* This is the guy who issued a press release blaming the Japanese for the Oklahoma City bombing.) Don't get me wrong; Alaska has lots of free-thinkers. He's as welcome to his opinion as anyone else.

He says we need to form a force now, to prepare for the violent aftermath of the coming economic collapse. Perhaps he doesn't know that we already have a state militia. The Alaska State Defense Force is a volunteer force, doing just fine & dandy without Outsiders telling us how to do it.

Most Alaskans are pretty independent already; it's why we're up here in the first place.

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It's estimated that the proposed natural gas pipeline - just the Alaska portion - would cost just this side of $4 Billion. Great. I guess we can burn coal for heat. There's enough coal in Alaska, much of it easy to reach, to keep the lights burning for hundreds of years.

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I should stop here. Younger Daughter has chicken & dumplings, and corn bread, just about ready for dinner. Yum.



Meadow said...

Not having a coal burner, I guess we will use up the stockpile of wood in the woodshed. There's more where that wood came from, now to get the oomph to get it cut and into the shed!

We converted from oil to NG a few years back, but I dug in my heels when it was suggested we change out the wood stove downstairs. It is little but it does a great job of heating downstairs, and heat rises so it helps upstairs, too. Only one problem is that it really is little, which means constant attention during the coldest times (nights!)

Tbird said...

Chicken & dumplings and corn bread.
Ah Sir, you may be way up north but also so down South. Especially if you've got iced tea to wash it down..