19 November 2009

It's Past Time

I'm all "politicked" out ... enough. A diet of unrelentingly bad news is damaging my calm, so I'm turning it off for awhile. There are plenty of bloggers, and a reporter or two, who are pursuing the problems and tribulations in this Union, and around the world.

I want to follow that other Paul's injunction:
Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things.
(Phil. 4:8, NKJV)

I choose to walk the high places and commune with nature, and nature's God. I want to feel the wind in my face ... hear the eagle cry ... and watch the play of light and shadow on the land.

I choose to pay attention to life; not the world of men, but the world itself. God's creatures are not jealous: they do not strive for vainglory, nor aspire to greatness. They go about the business of living, finding food and shelter, and survival in the purest and simplest terms. They exist, and that is enough.

In the words of Thoreau: "I went to the woods ... to ... see if I could not learn what it had to teach ..."

It has been far too long since I went to the woods. God will see to my spirit; it is time to refresh my soul.


Tbird said...

Of course, Thoreau never made it deep enough into the woods that he couldn't send his laundry out to be done.

joated said...

You will note that I don't often go into "Rant" mode on my site. Got to keep the blood pressure down. ;-)

Still, I can't help it from time to time. As hard as I try to stick to my woodworking, birding, football, etc., politics and the stupidity being jammed down our throats by our (un)representives requires I let off steam on occasion.

Like the Thoreau quote, BTW.

"When we are unhurried and wise, we perceive that only worthy things have any permanent and absolute existence."--Calvin Rustrum in Once Upon A Wilderness

MaddMedic said...

I hear you. The world of Man is but a brief moment. But God's world is forever..and we tend to forget that getting caught up in our wants, needs and desires. We become so wrong in what we do and say.
1 Peter 2:15
"Make Continued Progress"
For it is God's will that by doing right you should put to silence the ignorance of foolish men.

Jenny said...

Lordy do I understand that. Have a nice rest. :)

Teresa said...

You may have noticed that I seldom blog politics anymore. The entire sordid world gives me indigestion. I peruse through other sites, but even with those, I have to watch that I don't let myself be dragged into the "pit of despair" - heh.

So far as I can tell, the world continues on it's journey through the universe. I am quite sure I will hear about all the bad things happening soon enough. I'm also quite sure that while some bad things will happen, some of them won't, and I have no crystal ball to tell which will come to pass. Therefore, I'll worry about it when it is in my face and not before (waste of energy in any case).

By doing this I don't have ulcers and I can sleep at night. ;-) BTW - I have noticed it is far more difficult for men to do this than for women. So work at it - you'll live longer.

Welcome to my world. (photography is a great hobby for this world - go for it!)