28 November 2009

Weekend, Part Two

The driveway is shoveled. My younger daughter (bless her heart) came to help with the last half, which we finished together.

The sun is just now starting to peek from behind the mountains, although "official" sunrise was an hour ago. Here's a picture to show you why we love it, and what keeps us here.


Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

Gorgeous! Our snow on the ground has all melted! It's snowing again, but not the big fluffy flakes that are fun to romp in. I lugged 100 pieces of wood from our woodshed to the deck this morning...I'm beat! Happy weekend friend! C.(using the dogs blog)

Anonymous said...

Ah..so how is global warming helping you? lol

Great picture. I can see why you love it there.

God Bless