02 December 2009

Hump Day: Odds & Ends

It finally cooled down, courtesy of clear skies and highlighted by that nearly full moon that provides so much illumination, reflected on the snow. This morning, there's fresh snow on the ground, and again they say we'll get more today, with slowly falling temps. And this time, they're sure! We'll see.

I picked up a couple of new movies last night: Terminator Salvation & Night At The Museum 2. I expect the first one to be really good; my daughters have already seen it, and haven't stopped talking about it for months. The second is because we have a lot of long, cold winter nights ahead, and watching a movie in the evening helps us forget about the winds howling outside.

I was chatting with a friend last night, and he indicated that he just might come see us this winter. I suggested a guided snowmachine tour, and he thought that sounded fine. It sounds good to me, too. We'll have to dig up some insulated clothing for him, though.

The folks at the weather service continue forecasting snow, even though they missed yesterday's weather completely. An hour north of Anchorage, the weather got downright blizzard-like, and folks a little farther away received more than 30 inches of snow, along with high winds & black ice as the storm began. I keep waiting for a heavy snowfall like that here, but it's a lot less likely this close to the Inlet. There was a 3-foot snow back in 2001 (I think), but the most we've seen at one time - so far - is 27". That wasn't enough to close anything, or get a day off from work (dang it!), nor did it stop my SUV from cruising down the road.

Today, my day will consist of sending Christmas cards to vendors, and going through this year's spending report. Party on, me buckos.


Teresa said...

I was here in Boston when they had their latest 30 inch snow. That was about 5 years ago. I was visiting my husband because he was working out here on contract. Even though that day was a mess, it happened to be a Sunday. By Monday morning all the major roads were cleared, no one got trapped on the Mass Pike (as happened about 20 years prior).

Oddly enough I think last year's ice storm caused more damage and far far more problems than a mere 30 inches of snow. Heh.

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

Party on me buckos??!! You're too funny. Send me your address and I'll put cha on my Christmas card list. I'm doing them now. Should take me a week or so.X-Cassie

ps-30inches of snow already. wow. Ours has all melted at our elevation, but the ski mtns are flush. We are supposed to get some to stick soon. I hope.

joated said...

I can wait a bit before we start getting snow, but I'm sure it will be here soon enough.

If things are normal around here, we might get 40-50 inches total at the Aerie. But most of that will melt between storms. The Bolt Hole might get 50-75 inches and almost all that will remain in place from mid-December through March.