11 January 2010

Monday Afternoon in the Great Land, 1/11/10

The temp has worked its way back up to the 17 degree mark at the airport. Here at my place, it's 5 degrees above. AccuHunch is predicting wind chills of -15 to -30 tonight; that's probably the only part of the forecast they'll have predicted correctly.

The sun shone today - that's three days in a row! - and made life bearable. The temp was 8.5 degrees (per the computerized HVAC controls at my building) at 7:30 this morning. At noon, it was -1, but was back up to 8.2 above at 2:30 this afternoon. Because of the proximity to mountains and the Inlet, Anchorage is prone to multiple temperature pockets, inversions, and eddies. The temps at 6 a.m. ranged from 16 above (at the airport again) to -11 along the base of the mountains.

I love Anchorage!

* * * * *

The Alaska news is starting to fill with reports of ... well, civil unrest, from the apparent ambush of an Anchorage patrolman two days ago*, to the ignition of some incendiary devices in Juneau earlier today**.

Were these the beginning of something bigger, or isolated events? As trite as it seems, only time will tell.

* * * * *

It's now 4:35, and the daylight is fading. I'm going to stop now, and eat some of the chicken-and-dumpling soup which my younger daughter just set on my desk.

Thanks for stopping by.

* The officer had just come from a domestic call, and was sitting in his patrol car, writing his report. A person or persons unknown pulled up alongside & opened fire at point-blank range. He was shot five times, although his body-armor may have provided some protection; initial reports are vague. He's recovering in a local hospital.

** Apparently the devices were left in trash cans; fires were described as "not too serious".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I saw the report on the ANchorage officer and the many other attacks we have seen recently on officers. What is wrong with these idiots doing this? They beleive the cops are the reason things are so screwed up right now? Morons need to realize where the problem truly lies and that is with the politicians they elected, if they were bright enough to read and vote that is!!!