31 January 2010

More Fog with my Coffee

(click for really big)
It's 13 degrees and foggy again. The AccuHunch weather gurus say there's a dense fog advisory in place until noon ... and yet, this fog only rolled in about 20 minutes ago. Prior to that, it was merely cloudy.

* * * * *
Some poor thoughtless progressive opines, in today's letters to the editor, what a shame it is that we Alaskans spend our money "willy-nilly". Said lefty bemoans how it becomes the next down-payment on a snowmachine, rather than going to help the poor villagers in the Bush.

Willy-nilly? I'm picturing folks running around, throwing handfuls of cash in the air. Haven't actually seen that, though. For the record, I don't have a snow-machine. Or an RV, a motorhome, or any of big-ticket items such as the lefty decries. And my truck is 12 years old.

You don't get to vote on this one, Sparky; spend or donate your money the way you see fit, then kindly shut up.

* * * * *
A few years ago, Alaskans voted to shorten our Legislature's annual session from 120 to 90 days. Ever since, the legislators have complained that the sessions are now too short to do everything they wish to do.

I don't know about that; after all, during the last session, they had time to pick the official dog and official tree of the State. What could be more important than that?


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A recent article in the local puppy-trainer mentioned that most of Alaska's recent population growth can be traced to the military and their dependents. It leaves me wondering, exactly what are we building up the troop count for?

One columnist in today's paper asks if the civilian influx is really growth, or just folks who came up & couldn't find their way back out. Heh. I'd provide a link, but can't find the article now.

* * * * *
The temp has dropped to 10 degrees, and you can almost watch the frost getting thicker. I need to take a drive to find my new dentist's office, as I have an appointment tomorrow. Other than that, no big plans for the day.

Thanks for stopping by.


joated said...

"the legislators have complained that the sessions are now too short to do everything they wish to do"

Sounds like a feature, not a bug.

Rev. Paul said...

That is why we voted to shorten the sessions, after all.

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

"You don't get to vote on this one, Sparky; spend or donate your money the way you see fit, then kindly shut up."
LOVED this line. I'm totally with you Rev. My Subaru is 15yrs old, Pat's Ford is 10.No snowmachine, RV,motorhome or boat. BUT even if I did have them,they'd be paid for out of hard earned money that NOone gave us!! Now I have my knickers in a twist. Yup! Goin' to bed wondering where those people get off...G'night!