Most people would have said, "Heck with this." But for Jennifer Sullivan, that first dive in the freezing-cold waters in Whittier on that Thanksgiving weekend sealed the deal."I came out of the water, pulled off my hood and my hair froze like that," she said, snapping her fingers. "I knew then that this was what I was going to do."
Underwater welder. It's not the first profession that comes to mind when one first meets Sullivan. She's petite: around 5 feet tall, and not much heavier than 100 pounds.
Read the rest here. (link is fixed)

Any time she needs a hug to get warmed up....
BTW the link to the story doesn't seem to be working. Nothing but 404.
I Googled the Alaska Journal and found the story of this remarkable young lady and all I can say is: WOW!!
Thanks for letting me know about the link - fixed.
Wow - well good for her! She knows what she wants and she will be able to do it. Sounds like she uses her brains in areas where she can't compete in strength. I hope it will be enough. I really like that she is so focused and knows exactly what she wants. That's rare for any young person.
Love it! Back in 1976 I went to a Commercial Dive Center outside of Los Angeles with my advanced SCUBA class. I remember the gruff guy who gave us the tour and put us in the recompression-decompression chamber. A real he-man who scoffed at my friend Nancy and me when we showed an interest in the profession! The times, they ARE achangin'!! (I went on to work as one of the few power plant operators in Arizona and Nancy was a Veternarian.Not too shaby for girls of our time;<)
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