15 February 2010

Oh, Look - A Squirrel!

"I am, however, finding that I'm VERY easily distracted. So, every email that pops in get my undivided, immediate, shiny-object attention. I think I just saw a fuzzy cat run by..."

In an e-mail from my wife


Jenny said...


Similar problem here. I'm starting to think mental focus is like muscles, and it atrophies from disuse. Much as I love me some internet, having the collective sum of human knowledge pretty much at one's fingertips 24/7 does seem to encourage some brain scatter.

Time for some brain exercises I guess. :p

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

And THAT Jenny is why I do my brain calisthenics first thing every morning. Yup, like clockwork I get out my little brain gym and start with grey matter pushups, then some brain squats & thrusts and I finish up with hata brain yoga.
BTW, I think "I" just saw a fuzzy cat run by!!!
AireKisses, BabyRocketDog