02 February 2010

World Record Whitetail

Here's a picture of the new world record whitetail. It was taken by the cousin of a co-worker's sister's uncle's best friend's son-in-law's cousin.

Reportedly it will score 2603-1/8 by B&C standard and was shot in West Texas on a really windy day around a curve.

The hunter said this deer had killed a Brahma bull, two Land Rovers and six Jehovah's Witnesses in the last two weeks, and was reportedly winning a fight with Bigfoot when it was shot.

h/t Dana


The Farmer said...

I would have left him for next year, let him fill out a little. Kinda spindle-ly .

joated said...

HA! Amazing...what you can do with a fisheye lens and a little Photoshop.

DR said...

I hate to admit, but I did do a double take.