01 March 2010

Monday Again

Good morning. It's warm again, and AccuHunch predicts we'll get into the mid-30s all week. IF we have precipitation, it will be a rain/snow mix ... or so they guess. Bleh.

* * * * *
A young man was shot & killed in the mall where my wife & younger daughter tend to shop, yesterday evening. Fortunately, they had gone elsewhere. The police haven't found the shooter, yet.

In apparently unrelated news, another man approached police with a shotgun this morning. They had responded to a call of domestic abuse, and the genius in question wouldn't lay the shotgun down. A police spokeswoman said,
"Shortly after officers attempted to make entry into the suspect's apartment, he exited with a shotgun. The suspect refused to obey officers' repeated commands to drop his weapon. He approached officers with shotgun in hand and two APD officers fired killing the suspect."
This is unusual for Anchorage. And before the hoplophobes start in about universal disarmament, please note there have been no recent changes in the state firearm laws, and a shotgun isn't a handgun/AK47/Evil Assault Weapon, even to the media (although a shotgun is certainly more of an assault weapon than a hunting rifle, which is why cops use them ... just sayin').

* * * * *
There's a letter to the editor in today's paper, regarding a former governor's recent statement that the environmentalists are trying to run the State. The letter vehemently denies that truth, and asserts that Alaska needs to do more to "protect" the land from the people (you know, that 1 person per square mile that we have).

The writer fails to mention (and the editor fails to note) that she is the head of the Alaska chapter of the Sierra Club.

B.S. much, ma'am?

* * * * *
In another political departure from reality, I remind readers that Sarah Palin was widely applauded for bringing serious political reform to Juneau, a few years ago. One of the changes was that legislators must report any gift from lobbyists in excess of $15, including meals.

So our legislators,bless their darling hearts & empty heads, now want to raise that to $50.

All that learning is hard, ya know?

1 comment:

Cassie said...

Rain/snow mix=slush.Ditto on the bleh! Sorry to hear about the shootings 'up there'. Thank God your ladies weren't at the mall. And,what part of "drop your weapon" didn't the other guy get?? There'll probably be a lawsuit by the grieving, battered widow now. Sad that law enforcement is painted in such a bad light when they are just defending themselves. (At least in the lib media here it's the case.) Sierra Club, once again bleh! I like Sarah because she doesn't pretend to be anyone other than who she is. Looks like your legislators feel it takes at least $51 to buy themselves off! Okay,I've jabbered enough here. Have a good week Rev.!
ps-Glad you like my foodie posts. I've wondered if it looks/sounds good to anyone other than Pat.ha!