16 April 2010

Another Day, Another .. Well, You Know

As if there were a need to point out the libertarian aspects of Alaskan culture (hint: that's redundant), the three leftist infiltrators at yesterday's tea party had signs which actually made no sense - but the serious attendees ignored them. "Beluga: the other white meat" is supposed to make people think that tea partiers eat whales?

Please. I can't imagine what's keeping the "Bush = Baby Killer" banners & tin-foil hats.

The local TV news did report "hundreds of people turned out for a tax protest" with a straight face, and refrained from showing the END WARS signs. (Riiiight. Because everyone knows the world's aggressors rely on the command of a retired guy in a tricorn hat.)

Somehow I think the tricorn hat wearers have an entirely different message in mind. The Constitutional republican form of government in Juneau has long since listened to the People, which is why we don't have a state income tax, among other things. Granted there are some wacko ideas that come out of Juneau ... but find me a group of people today who don't produce a couple of lame-o stinkeroos along with their list of "must do's".

The Left Coast transplants who've moved here for only-God-knows-why are the ONLY people bleating about how Alaska should bring back the income tax, or tax this/that/the other. Perhaps they'd be happier returning to whatever socialist wasteland they abandoned.

In fact, we're beginning to insist. Alaska is taking on the federals on yet another issue this week, as the match-up between the State and the fed.gov is increasingly ill-fitting. The governor is admittedly unhappy with them, and quite a few of the legislators appear to equally frustrated, although there's not yet a consensus on what to do about it. Stay tuned.

* * * * *
On a personal note, I finally have a portrait on my Blogger profile which doesn't make me look like the creepy guy who hangs around the playground. My thanks to RC for taking the snapshot.

1 comment:

The Farmer said...

The profile pic is much better. Pictures taken with web cams in the middle of the night, do nothing for ones public image.