22 May 2010

Ban the U.S. Flag in Schools? Take the Poll!

Fox News Poll-Should the Flag Be Banned at Schools?

Moveon.org, Organizing for America and SEIU have been twittering today to go to Fox Poll and vote to ban the Flag.

SHOW THEM WHAT TRUE PATRIOTS BELIEVE!!! Let's flip those numbers and show the leftist we are organized and on the move....flip the numbers now-FLIP THE HOUSE in November!



Thank you for your participation. We can switch the numbers if we all get in there and vote! After you vote, pass this information on to all sites you belong to and to all your friends.

h/t MOBro

1 comment:

joated said...

They are currently showing some 58% of their respondents are brain dead when it comes to knowing what it means to be an American. These are opbviously the people the Obama administration is listening to when on their apology tour.