18 May 2010

Tuesday's Stack of Stuff

It's 41, cloudy, and looks like it oughta rain; "looking like rain" means virtually nothing here. The only way to know for sure if it will rain is when you see actual drops of water falling from out the sky. So far, nuthin'.

The memorial service for former Gov. Wally Hickel was yesterday afternoon; nearly everybody what's anybody was there. He was a colorful, visionary man who looms large in this young State's history, and will be sorely missed. There are few like him remaining: with the educational system appropriately dumbed-down to the lowest common denominator, thanks to No-Child-Allowed-To-Excel, no one gets to leave the pack, fumbling their way to a nearly-worthless diploma. (I'm not demeaning those who graduate; only the system that emphasizes numbers vs. quality.)

Since my daughters are products of home-schooling, I'd like to point out that they each completed the 'exit exam' in their sophomore years. The local news features annual reports on public school students who have completed their senior years, only to receive a "provisional" diploma. The "provisional" part means they haven't passed the exit exam yet, and are seeking tutors to get them there. It's a shame, really; Anchorage spends a bajillion or so dollars per student, and can't seem to improve much in terms of graduation percentage or literacy rate.

I'll stipulate here that Younger Daughter is not in the Anchorage School District, but Older Daughter was; therefore I have a valid point of comparison. If the older girl hadn't been internally motivated, and a voracious reader (like her father), she'd not have done nearly as well. Y.D. is sponsored by the State district, where the system includes on-the-fly tutoring, as well as hands-on support. O.D.'s adviser (to use the term loosely) acted as if any request for support was an imposition. But enough of that.

In other news, a French climber fell to his death on Denali* yesterday. The article in today's paper doesn't state whether he surrendered on the way down, but perhaps that dark humor isn't yet appropriate. My apologies; must be my old Fire Dept. experience showing.

I mentioned a few days ago that Anchorage's arena football team was in trouble. The emphasis is now "was", in past tense. It appears that the league is going to dissolve the franchise. It's not the first time Anchorage has tried - and failed - to support a team franchise. There's an op-ed piece in today's paper with more, if you're interested.

On a personal note, I've learned from Joated that he & his lovely wife will be in Anchorage on July 11. I'm looking forward to meeting them & the opportunity to show off my town to new friends.

That's enough for now; time for work. Have a great day, folks.

*Flatlanders refer to it as Mt. McKinley, apparently for an overweight President who never visited Alaska. Alaska Natives have called the mountain "the great one" or "the high one" for centuries, far longer than Ohio has been a political entity.


DR said...

We are, for once, enjoying 70 degrees and sunshine. I hope it lasts.

You are exactly right, the school system is a disgrace and no child left behind is only helping it to decline faster.

We've learned that the only reason they haven't advanced our son a grade or two is because it will lower the overall test score for the third grade class he would be leaving; thereby hurting their funding under no child left behind. In other words, funding, once again, takes precedence over the child.

Rev. Paul said...

A friend asked us, after reading yesterday's post about my daughter, if we were going to send her to culinary school - or indeed could send her - at the age of 14.

No, they have minimum age requirements, but it's also 1500 miles away, so it's a good thing that her school wants to help her learn her chosen craft. She'll still graduate at 16, if she stays there.

None of this would be possible in the local schools.

Teresa said...

You are quite right in that that only kids who get along well in school are like your older daughter. It's such a shame and so hard for parents who can't home school. However, I don't see things changing in the near future at all.

I hope younger daughter enjoys her next adventure in cooking! One day she'll be a famous chef I bet.

You and Joated have fun. I met him at a New Jersey blog meet (put together by Fausta). In the typical way of these things we managed to talk for a short time. There were so many great people there! Anyhow, 1 on 1 (so to speak) you will have more time.

I just realized I have to get him back on my feed reader... *sigh* The worst part of changing stuff when you're busy is that one manages to miss things. LOL. i have a number of peeps that still need adding. I just need to get to it.

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

Sheesh,so much to comment on! Our weather has been interesting. Yesterday it was 80 and today 60! I prefer the 60. The public school system in general stinks...had a great elementary school district when Jessica was a child,then did private school for 9-12.Much better that way. Too bad about the climber(ooo that was a bad joke,Rev..Denali is SO beautiful but fickle. I'll stick to looking at it,thank you. Lucky Mr & Mrs Joated. Someday we'll meet you too...just not in the next couple years! Have a good week.

upinak said...

Well I gave Joat a few rules when visiting. Bug dope is your friend.. take LOTS of pictures.. bring something so you can SLEEP! hehe, Paul I think he may be an insomniac when he leaves.

Rev. Paul said...

Uppy, he'll need lots of skin lotion, too. Most folks haven't a clue about how dry the air is here, especially in the summer. One writer recently called southcentral's climate a "sub-arctic desert" because it's so arid.