29 June 2010

Choices: Life's Paths

"The Road goes ever on and on
Down from the door where it began.
Now far ahead the Road has gone,
And I must follow, if I can,
Pursuing it with weary feet,
Until it joins some larger way,
Where many paths and errands meet.
And whither then? I cannot say."
~ J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings

Each day dawns full of possibilities, a clean and perfect slate. Yet each step we take, each decision we make, shapes the ones which come after.
My choices in life, like most people's, have been both good and bad. Some people know from a young age what they want to do with their lives, and they pursue that desire with singular purpose. Such persons can become accomplished at a seemingly young age. Others do not know themselves, and choose ... poorly.
In college, it is not uncommon for some students to change their majors several times. Some found that the field they thought they wanted was not as they expected. Others decided that something else interested them even more, although they had previously not suspected it. We've all heard actors speak of trying a role in college or community theater on a whim, or because they were attracted to someone who was in a play, and discovering only by accident that they had found a calling.
Whatever the day holds, wherever your feet may lead you, live the day. Don't just take it for granted: see all that it has to offer. Stop sometimes, and think about what choices you can make. See the possibilities. Consider them carefully, and act accordingly.
Life can come at us a warp speed, these days. Make a conscious choice to slow down, and be "in the moment." Listen to that bird singing. Watch the honeybee searching for another bit of pollen. See the clouds trailing by.
Notice the people around you. Each one is unique, and all have a story. Each face is a reflection of life's triumphs and tragedies. What does yours say to them?
Smile for no reason. Open the door for someone. Feel the sun (or rain, or wind) on your face. Tell your loved ones that you love them. Spend time with someone you care about. Be in the moment.

As a wise reader commented: if you take the wrong path, sometimes you must first forgive yourself for making a mistake ... and then take the right one. Make corrections, not excuses.

Home Is Behind
The World Ahead
And There Are Many Paths To Tread
Through Shadow
To The Edge Of Night
Until The Stars Are All Alight

Mist And Shadow
Cloud And Shade
All Shall Fade
All Shall Fade
Pippin's Song, The Return of the King
Choose wisely today, and you may sleep tonight satisfied that you made the best of it. You took those moments, throughout the day, and made them yours. It is those moments, rather than the headlong rush, that you'll remember.


Anonymous said...

The first path you choose may be exactly right for you at that point in time. But life is continually changing.

This doesn't mean you chose the wrong path - it means you may have to make a turn and go down a different path that works better for you now.

I'm always amazed that people who have started out doing one particular thing (something that is legal mind you - LOL) suddenly get themselves into a world of angst thinking they've chosen wrong and their entire life is in ruins. As if everything they've learned and accomplished is worth zero because now instead of doing "X" they know they should be doing "Y".

No matter what you do in life, you'll always think about the road you didn't travel. That's human nature. Nothing wrong with that unless you start telling yourself that you life is not worthwhile because of it. ;-)


commoncents said...


I really like your blog....

Common Cents

threecollie said...

Great post...so true...