08 June 2010

Us vs. Them - Updated

In local news, the State has pursued an injunction against the U.S. Fish & Wildlife folks, who have prohibited predator control on Unimak Island in the Aleutians. The wolves are preying freely on the remaining caribou, whose numbers have shrunk to some 250. State biologists believe that this year's calves are in extreme danger of becoming lunch.

However, the feds have said no to the plan; Alaska filed suit. Yesterday, a District Court judge ruled in favor of the feds, but said something interesting. As quoted on this morning's TV report, he said that he had to follow the established guidelines - but also said that they make no sense to him, and seem rather absurd.

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Speaking of Alaska vs. federal control, Senator Lisa Murkowski (Rino-AK) will be asking the Senate to vote on a proposal to curtail some of the EPA's authority. Read it at the link.

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It's a beautiful, cool morning, with a nice little breeze. The sun is shining on the remaining snow on the mountain peaks, although there are low clouds gathering to the east. The weather gnomes are predicting 60 degrees for today, just a degree off of the normal high.

My morning coffee tasted better than usual, perhaps because I slept unusually well last night. We typically sleep with the bedroom window open 9 or 10 months out of the year, if the weather isn't colder or more windy than normal. It is difficult to adjust the window if it has frozen in the open position, so we keep an eye on the humidity in the colder months. Conditions last night were just about perfect, as it was 45 when I got up at 5:00.

Have a great day, folks.


DR said...

You know, it could just be me, but I am sick of the Feds having a say in how states manage their own wildlife. In a way, I hope our founders are not seeing what is happening today.

Cassie said...

I think they're still allowing wolf hunts here---no one,except outsiders, is against it. The wolves seem to procreate at a pretty good clip.

It's almost 10pm here and pouring rain, thunder & lightening. Hope my computer doesn't blow!!