08 July 2010

7/8/10: Alaska Digest

Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On Dept: There was a 5.00 magnitude earthquake yesterday evening at 7:15, about 49 miles northwest of Anchorage - but only six miles deep. It was a sharp jolt with a loud bang, followed by a diminishing side-to-side shaking that caused things to slide around on the shelves in the bookcase, and dishes to rattle.

We have smallish tremors here quite often, but this one began violently enough that it startled me. Fortunately, it didn't last long. Read about it here.

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Oops Doesn't Quite Cover It Dept:
Accidents at Sitka hatcheries kill more than a million salmon fry - Accidents at two Sitka hatcheries over the weekend killed more than 1 million salmon fry. A water valve was mistakenly turned off at one hatchery, and a water level alarm failed at the other.

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When the Going Gets Tough Dept: Whale-watching boat hits rock in Southeast Alaska - A Washington-based charter boat with whale watchers aboard ran aground in Southeast Alaska on Tuesday. There were no injuries and no immediately apparent damage to the boat.

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All Wet Dept: COOPER LANDING -- Alaska State Troopers said a 14-foot boat carrying six people sank in Kenai Lake but all six made it to shore.


Home on the Range said...

I'm off today, (moved my days off around to ease back into the saddle slowly)

Anyway, I saw on the news something about a tremer as well north of San Diego. Been a while since I studied that sort of science. Are those connected?

Rev. Paul said...

Brigid, I'm glad you're feeling somewhat better. The 'quake here was not connected to the CA tremor, as far as I can tell. We had several dozen temblors in the same general area over the last 72 hours; the one reported here was the largest.

Teresa said...

Glad to hear the quake was only startling rather than really destructive.

I bought salmon for dinner tonight... damn guess the price will be going up.