05 July 2010

Monday, Monday

There's not a lot going on hereabouts ... it's 53, with 93% humidity. The overnight rains have moved out, and the clouds seem to be breaking up. At least there are some glimpses of blue sky, here and there.

We drove south to Summit Lake again, for lunch yesterday. Six weeks ago, when we made our first trip, there was still a lot of snow where the highway passes through the mountains. Now all that is green, and the ATVs have replaced snowmachines in the recreation areas.


Anonymous said...

The view takes my breath away. Thanks for sharing.

See Ya.

DR said...

Beautiful as always. Happy 4th my friend. Sorry I didn't leave a comment sooner, we were gone. Luckily blogger allows you to prepost when you will be gone.

joated said...

Quick question: How many Summit Lakes are there in this state? I've only covered a small percentage of the southeast corner so far and must have viewed a half dozen lakes named "Summit Lake' and I've not even gotten west of Valdez.

Rev. Paul said...

Joated, I suspect there are nearly as many bodies of water named "Summit Lake" are there are summits ... and that's a bunch.