23 July 2010

Score a Victory for States Rights!

Armed Citizen: Score a Victory for States Rights!


Bighorn County Sheriff Dave Mattis spoke at a press conference following a recent U.S. District Court decision (Case No. 2:96-cv-099-J (2006)) and announced that all federal officials are forbidden to enter his county without his prior approval ......

"If a sheriff doesn’t want the Feds in his county he has the
constitutional right and power to keep them out, or ask them to leave,
or retain them in custody."

The court decision was the result of a suit against both the BATF and the IRS by Mattis and other members of the Wyoming Sheriff’s Association. The suit in the Wyoming federal court district sought restoration of the protections enshrined in the United States Constitution and the Wyoming Constitution.

Guess what? The District Court ruled in favor of the sheriffs. In fact, they stated, "Wyoming is a sovereign state and the duly elected sheriff of a county is the highest law enforcement official within a county and has law enforcement powers exceeding that of any other state or federal official."


The Farmer said...

I hadn't heard this, but I imagine this isn't going to sit well with some.

The Farmer said...

Just did an internet search, threads date back to 2006 on this. Might be bogus, couldn't confirm for you.

LomaAlta said...

Great. Now I wish a majority of the 50 states would do the same and re-establish states' rights.

LUCKY said...

This could have some interesting repercussions. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

Steven M Nielson said...

Sounds good. I'll look into THIS some more!