27 July 2010

There Should Be Dancing in the Streets

The sun is out! In places, anyway.

Srsly - it stopped raining before noon, and there's honest-to-goodness blue sky, here and there. It's even out of the 50s for a change, with the temp hovering at the 60-degree mark.

The Daily News says we're having the 8th rainiest July on record, with over double the normal amount.
All I know is that we can count the number of sunny days on one hand, this month.

Blogging will continue to be light-to-nonexistent, as I'm having trouble making myself want to go near a PC. However, I couldn't pass on this opportunity to remark on a dry afternoon.

UPDATE: the sun DID come out, and it was sunny until nearly bedtime. Nice.


Steven M Nielson said...

I hear ya regarding having to force yourself to go near a PC. My blogging activity has been at an all time low...

BUT - I just got revved up today over HR5741, a mandatory servitude bill introduced by Rengel in the House, and in debate today. These guys never cease to amaze me... Just what I needed to get my blood boiling!

Thanks for taking our rain... we're having a GREAT July down in the Puget Sound region! :)

DR said...

We have had about two weeks of solid rain. Today was the first nice day, but it is supposed to rain tonight and tomorrow.

Teresa said...

Last summer June was like that for us. I know exactly what you mean! Yay for sun!!! (especially when you don't have any for half the year up there. LOL)

PolyKahr said...

Rev. Paul,

Rev. Paul,

Some periods are just like that. You get down in a funk, and the only thing to do then is to rest, recuperate, and come back stronger than ever.

BTW, doesn't Alaska have any average looking scenery?

God bless,